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Ag-gag Bills – Seriously?

Veterinarians have a lot of responsibility when it comes to the issue of animal abuse. Oregon state requires a veterinarian to report when they have a “reasonable cause to believe that an animal with which the veterinarian has come in contact has suffered aggravated animal abuse” or that “any person with whom the veterinarian has come in contact has committed aggravated animal abuse.” ORS § 686.455. Legal cases involving animal cruelty will likely need the testimony... Read More..

SamE for the liver!

SAMe: AKA S-adenosylmethionine SAMe, much like Milk Thistle, assists in the production of glutathione which helps the liver rid itself of pollutants, chemicals and toxins. SAMe also assists the body in producing compounds such as dopamine, serotonin (neurotransmitters) and glycosaminoglycans (cartilage component). Studies show SAMe can be as effective as Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS). Though it takes longer to work – the benefits seem to last longer and it is considered safe. Rare cases of mild stomach... Read More..

Why Are People Boycotting Banfield?

The video shows Dr. Robb, a veterinarian in Connecticut, being led away from Petsmart® in handcuffs. He was warning customers of Banfield Pet Hospital about the dangers of over-vaccinating their pets. Banfield wanted him off their property. Banfield, owned by Mars Corporation, took Dr. Robb’s franchise away from him when he refused to automatically recommend and provide full vaccinations for all of his patients. Dr. Robb has referred to the vaccination policy as a “cash cow”... Read More..